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UFO Kidnaps Baby

Watch your kids and your cows! In a tragic event, a young child was kidnapped by bloodthirsty aliens. The aliens say they have no intention of ever giving the child back. All we can do is grieve for the family and hope they don't come back. The government is working on a worldwide search, but so far has been unsuccessful. Why do people read this garbage?

Exclusive: Joe Biden Authorizes Bio Weapons as NIH Invests in New COVID Research

In recent unvealings, it was proven that Joe Biden is planning to attack Russia with a bioweapon. The conservative senate is struggling to shut down his insane decision, but the liberals are fighting viciously. We are all hoping for a comeback, but what can we do? Why doesn't america stand up and fight against the tyrany of Biden. The hardworking famlies of america deserve better!

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